Thursday, February 4, 2010

The dreaded call to Comcast....

So this is what I thought about Comcast. I mean we have had NOTHING but problems with them since we got their service 2 years ago. Well around November - December, we had 11 days where we went without internet and our land line phone. Comcast would not refund us really anything but the $20.00 their commerical tells you you'll get if they are late to a call. Well seeing that our family needs to cut some things from our budget, this was one of the first things we needed to cut.

So I get on the phone with the Comcast rep. She is really nice. I ask her the options for cutting our cable/internet/phone bill. I tell her the only reason we still have a landline is when I was going to cancel it before they gave me a bundle deal of $129.99 for all 3. Well at this point, $129.99 is too much for these things, and honestly my bill was and still is over $150.00. She says the only way she can help me is to cancel the landline. I tell her this is fine and she transfers me to another department that handles that.

So I start talking to a SWEET lady who reminded me of my grandma. I explain a little of our situation with my husband not working and us needing to lower some bills. She takes my info and goes over so much with me.

Well here was the out come. We cancelled the land line, kept the cable the same, kept the internet the same and our bill went from $150.54 to....drumroll..... $92.00! This includes the extra DVR box we have, which we will be returning to save an extra $22.00 a month!

That means after all is said and done our bill will be $70.00. We cut it almost in 1/2!

This saving money thing really does feel good. This is the beginning of us being sooo smart with money!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, That is amazing! We got sucked into that bundle as well, we dont even have a home phone or know the number. We are just paying for the service which is such a waste!
